To cleanse the palate, here is a reminder: REAL MEN KNEEL BEFORE THE EUCHARISTIC LORD. God bless and protect the Swiss Guards, many of whom are Traditionalists.

Interesting fact: when we genuflect to The Lord we put the left foot front and touch the right knee to the ground. If we live to see another Pope after Pope Benedict, and you should have an audience with the Pope, you genuflect when greeting the Pope with the right foot forward and left knee down to differentiate between Christ’s Vicar on Earth and Christ Himself. The Swiss Guard here isn’t double genuflecting (both knees down) before The elevated Host because he is wearing a sword on his left hip, and he is at the ready to leap up and physically defend The Lord and those present, as is his job. Everyone else except the Celebrant (singular!) SHOULD be kneeling on both knees at the Consecration.