So Antipope Bergoglio declared YET AGAIN that “all religions lead to God”, which is TEXTBOOK APOSTASY.
And somewhere there’s a 78 year old woman whose IQ matches her age who has sent $300,000 to her 35 year old online fiancé who is stuck on a Turkish oil rig and needs Apple Gift Cards to pay for his daughter’s cancer treatment, shaking her head and saying to herself, “Damn, how stupid and gullible would you have to be to believe that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope?”
That’s pretty much where we are now.
The Bergoglian Antipapacy makes Nigerian scams look sophisticated and nuanced by comparison.
If you’re new, here’s the deal: Pope Benedict never validly resigned. He tried to half-quit just the ministry of the active governance of the Church, which according to Canon Law 188 and 332.2 rendered his attempt to half-quit totally invalid. Therefore, the “conclave” of March ARSH 2013 was totally, completely invalid because the See was still occupied. You cannot validly elect a Pope while the See is occupied, whether the occupant, in this case Pope Benedict XVI, liked it or not.
That’s how we ended up with this retarded apostate Freemason faggot, Jorge Bergoglio, as Antipope. Because weak, slothful, effeminate men sat a did NOTHING in February and March of ARSH 2013 as satanists usurped the See of Peter, and have continued in their sloth and effeminacy to do nothing for these eleven long years and counting.
Now, let’s all watch the drooling imbecility unfold as cries go out for “the conversion of Pope Fwanciss to Catholicism” without the slightest acknowledgment of the violation of the Law of Non-contradiction inherent to the statement, or, my favorite, the haughty declarations that “the Church has completely misunderstood and deified the Papacy for 2000 years… but WE know better.”
Cinch those aprons tight like good 33rd Degree Masons, boys! Tear down the Papacy, and take the Church Militant with it, but don’t you dare EVER question that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope! Nosirree!
The mind reels.
Here is my Part 3 video on the Bergoglian Antipapacy, recorded last year as a stand-alone presentation for those just getting up to speed on the issue. All three videos are on my Bergoglian Antipapacy Page HERE