Friday Night Musical Reference: Time Life Music – The Big Band Era

I’ve been looking for this online for YEARS and it has finally popped up on YouTube. I grew up with this Time Life vinyl set on my turntable. It is by far the best compilation of all of the Big Band hits, recorded in Hi-Fi, probably in the 1970s, but with perfect fidelity to the original compositions. This YouTube posting is clearly a turntable capture via USB cable – you can hear the very subtle and sublime scratching that makes vinyl so nostalgic and wonderful for those of us who are old enough… to know and understand.

Well worth a bookmark, or even a full capture, if you have the ability. This is the BEST compilation of instrumental Big Band going, and just about the best late night cleaning-up-the-kitchen music you could ask for. Speaking of which, I better get after it.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.