Monthly Archives: March 2023

The Dr. Pepper Tautology – How “Francis is Pope” Inevitably Leads to Heresy, Schism, and Apostasy

As people keep trying (with ever-more desperation and flailing) to defend the false premise that Jorge Bergoglio is or ever has been the Pope, which he obviously is not and has never been, one of the arguments that they keep having to make is the argument regarding Papal Infallibility.  Now, it is clear to any honest, clear-thinking person that Antipope Bergoglio is so far outside any possibility of the negative supernatural protection of Papal Infallibility that the only way people can reconcile the two is to make the standard of Papal Infallibility universally applicable, which is to say meaningless to the point of non-existence.

The current argument which you can see on a near-daily basis from most “Trad Catholic” sites, bloggers, pundits, is this:

Papal Infallibility only applies to those magisterial statements which are true. Those statements are infallible, and are manifestations of the Petrine Protection.  All magisterial statements that are false are not infallible, and do not fall under the Petrine Protection, and thus in no way violate the Dogma of Papal Infallibility.

Now think about this, folks – and here is where the culture-wide inability to think in a logical progression rears its ugly head yet again.

Everything Antipope Bergoglio says that is true is infallible.

Stop.  Think about that.

Everything ANYONE says that is true is infallible.  The truth IS infallible.  It’s a completely circular argument. And thus, by logical extension, anything that is false is not infallible.

This argument, which actually says nothing at all, applies to every man, woman, child and angelic being that ever has and ever will exist.  Everything satan has ever said that was true was infallible.  Everything Hitler ever said that was true was infallible.  Everything Hillary Clinton, Anthony Fauci, and Joe Biden have ever said that was true (and that set is SMALL) is infallible.  Thus, what we have here is a TAUTOLOGY, which is a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form, or put another way, saying exactly the same thing twice and passing the repetition off as logical proof.

The set of “truth” is infallible, because infallibility is freedom from error, which the truth, by definition ALWAYS IS.  The root of the word “infallible” is the Latin fallere, which means “to deceive”.  The truth cannot be both true and false. 

And so, once again, we see the wrong-headed defense of Antipope Bergoglio qua Pope accomplishing EXACTLY what Freemasonry and ultimately satan wants, which is completely destroying the entire notion of the papacy itself.

If Our Lord’s promise to Peter was nothing more than an empty rhetorical trick, a TAUTOLOGY, and the Petrine Protection is actually a UNIVERSALLY APPLICABLE AXIOM, then no real promise was ever made, and the Papacy has been a joke all along – which is EXACTLY what the various SCHISMATICS; Lutherans, Anglicans, all Protestants and the Eastern Orthodox, have all been saying all along. And satan squeeeeeeals with delight.

It is no coincidence and certainly no surprise to anyone on the ground that Trad Inc. partisans are now openly embracing and encouraging schism and singing the praises the Eastern Orthodoxy – precisely because the Eastern Orthodox Schism is a rejection of the Papacy qua Papacy, which is the inevitable logical result of holding the FALSE BASE PREMISE that “Francis” is Pope. They have made their personal hatred of me (and others by association) their idol, which prevents them from seeing, or at least acknowledging the obvious truth: the attempted partial resignation in February of ARSH 2013 led to an invalid conclave, and Bergoglio is an Antipope. These people will join the schismatic East, and some will or already have completely apostatized into luciferian deism or atheism.

The truth is, Papal infallibility is real, it is a supernatural promise and gift, absolutely intrinsic to the Papacy, proceeding necessarily out of Our Lord’s infinite love for His Holy Church, and for us as individuals, and the fact that Antipope Bergoglio so very clearly does NOT enjoy that supernatural protection, is just one more clear, obvious “red flag” sign that somehow his “election” was invalid.  With even the most superficial examination of events, it is perfectly clear to any who care to look with open, honest eyes that Pope Benedict XVI’s attempted partial resignation was Canonically invalid twelve ways from Sunday, and that Pope Benedict never validly resigned and remained the one and only Pope all along per
Canons 188,
359, etc. etc until he died the morning of December 31, ARSH 2022, these seventy days ago as this is being written.  Like I said, twelve ways from Sunday.

The fact that Antipope Bergoglio is so flagrantly outside of the domain of the true definition of Papal Infallibility – which is real, as history AND the words of Our Lord in the Gospels attest – is a blinking neon sign of a red flag pointing BACK to the events of February ARSH 2013 and the attempted partial abdication, and thus total invalidity and nullity of the conclave of March ARSH 2013.

If your position always leads to the tearing down of the Papacy, and matches up EXACTLY with the founding objective of Freemasonry to destroy the Papacy, which has been satan’s goal since day one, then dontcha think that MAYBE your base premise – namely the IDENTITY of the Pope – is WRONG?

So, now that Trad, Inc. has pretty much fully embraced the Freemasonic agenda to discredit and destroy the Papacy in their own minds and the minds of the faithful, the next step, which one can see coming like a freight train across the Western Kansas plains, will be to start going after SCRIPTURE ITSELF, declaring certain passages and eventually entire books of the Bible to be wrong, useless, and to be ignored or disregarded.  Mark my words. The Luther-esque Bible editing will commence in 3..2..1…

I covered this in my Part 1 video presentation on the Bergoglian Antipapacy at the 01:57:07 timestamp, to which the embed below is cued, if you prefer video.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict XVI, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

I’m infallible
He’s infallible
She’s infallible
We’re infallible
Wouldn’t you like to be infallible, too?

A Lenten Meditation on “Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good” and the Allegory of Mandolin Boy

For those of you who have been around since the lighthearted days of mere koran burnings and denunciations of the financial system, you remember that music used to be a fairly significant part of this blog.  Well, let’s return briefly to those roots, and a song that many will recognize if only from the many posts I have made on it over the years.

This year, obviously, as we are living through the collapse and suicide of the post-Christian west, and most acknowledge the United States of America to no longer exist, it is bittersweet indeed to look at this performance from ARSH 1982 and realize that the world as THEY knew it had less than forty years left.  ARSH 1982 was the highly optimistic early days of Reagan’s “Morning in America”, which became the motto of his ’84 campaign which legit won 49 states.  Mondale won his home state, Minnesota, by only a razor-thin 0.18% margin. In historical terms, this was a blink of an eye ago.

This is a very Lenten song, it seems to me.  Its lyrics harken to the collect prayers of the Masses of Lent, begging God to hear the prayers of His afflicted and sinful people, to deliver them, and to supply what they are lacking in themselves.

But the HUGE allegory in this performance is MANDOLIN BOY.  Don Williams, the bass player, the keyboardist, and even the percussionist are reserved.  But then, there, ever-present in the background is MANDOLIN BOY, dressed in solid bright red, the color of the Passion, of martyrdom… and of PENTECOST.  There is MANDOLIN BOY bouncing and smiling, rocking out his mandolin solos, reminding us all that God hears the prayers of His people, and that YES, God is “planning a good day for me.” Let’s call that the understatement of the day, shall we?

I hope this helps.  #TeamMandolinBoy

Lord, I hope this day is good
I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good

Lord, have You forgotten me
I’ve been prayin’ to You faithfully
I’m not sayin’ I’m a righteous man
But Lord I hope You understand

I don’t need fortune and I don’t need fame
Send down the thunder, Lord, send down the rain
But when You’re plannin’ just how it will be
Plan a good day for me

Lord, I hope this day is good
I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good

You’ve been the King since the dawn of time
All that I’m askin’ is a little less crime
It might be hard for the devil to do
But it would be easy for You

Lord, I hope this day is good
I’m feelin’ empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good

Over the transom: A brilliant letter sent to the Bishop of Steubenville

Your Excellency,

I want to thank you for banning the Traditional Latin Mass at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and for making the order effective immediately. I cannot think of a greater danger to mankind or our Church than this terrible, terrible Mass.

Your pastoral concern for all of your flock, but especially our college students is duly noted. By eliminating this Mass, you are ensuring that none of these future graduates will ever become one of those mean-spirited trads who misread Sacrosanctum Concilium’s affirmation that Gregorian Chant is highly suited for the liturgy, as if it actually said so! Your compassion on the young by erasing any semblance of reverence and sacrifice from their worshipping sensibilities is both laudable and prudent. The last thing we need in our churches are sanctimonious young people genuflecting or, worse yet, kneeling for Communion as if they are trying to be holy. The outdated ecclesiology of striving for holiness has done untold damage to otherwise normal young people who would be better served consuming contemporary media and taking more social action like spray painting graffiti on SUV’s or blowing up car dealerships in the pursuit of environmental justice.

Having said that, I sincerely hope that you intend to update the rest of your diocese to accommodate these new norms. While I am not a Steubenville resident, I have visited and it cannot be denied that St. Peter’s Church is toxically traditional. From its cruciform architecture to the central tabernacle and those oppressive stained glass windows and heavy doors, this structure is a painful reminder of the abusive past that denied us altar girls and promoted anti-feminist and anti-Semitic ideas. Perhaps the best thing we could do is just take the church building down and rebuild. I would suggest a new, rounder building with clear glass doors in the front for that “welcoming” look and an altar in the center of the circle so the community can celebrate itself. A Pachamama statue would be a nice addition too, perhaps mounted on the roof where the congregants enter.

Finally, since this dangerous version of the Mass has been banned, it is of the utmost urgency that every single Latin-English missal be burned or otherwise destroyed immediately. It is too risky that any young people might get some strange ideas by reading the rite and the accompanying prayers. I know a teenage boy who read a copy of the Prayer of St. Ambrose and it took two years of therapy before he finally got the idea of sin out of his mind and began dating. Any notion of being in the so-called “state of grace” or abstaining from the Communion all of us have a right to because of absurd pietistic notions of “mortal sin” must never see the light of day again. This way LGBT people and women in need of abortions can take their rightful place behind the altar for their inevitable ordinations.

Your Excellency, you have taken us out of the dark ages once and for all and I cannot thank you enough for your progressive leadership and protecting all of us from this terrible, dangerous Mass.


Movie Recommendation: “The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis”

Putting aside the incomprehensible fact that Lewis died an Anglican and never entered the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (I blame, at least partially, his attachment to his invalid marriage to the American divorcée Joy Davidman), I recommend this film which is very unique in its format – an autobiography presented almost entirely as a filmed monologue with Lewis as a spectator to his own life. I would love to see other autobiographies presented in this way. Can you imagine this format applied to St. Augustine? I found it enthralling. This film focuses on the process of Lewis’ conversion from atheist to deist to Christian.

There aren’t many films these days worth a person’s time, but this one is.

“The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis”

Post-Christian effeminate culture and self-gaslighting: He’s explicitly threatening to kill them and they all just sit there.

First, watch. Nothing gory here, just pathetic.

Something I have learned over the years is how to handle drunks, druggies, gypsies and demoniacs who threaten violence in public places, especially churches. I have noticed that this sort of thing is becoming more frequent, and not merely because of any “defund the police” dynamic, but from a deeper source as satan and the demons make bolder and bolder manifestations as the world submits to their rule.

As we watch the video above, we see the male passengers of the plane sitting literally paralyzed as a clearly dangerously insane man explicitly threatens to kill them all. What has happened in our truly sick culture is that the vices of EFFEMINACY (refusing to do the virtuous good because it might reduce one’s personal pleasure and/or comfort) and SLOTH (refusing to do the virtuous good because it is difficult) have caused men to GASLIGHT THEMSELVES whenever they come under attack. That is, men, wallowing in their own effeminacy, tell themselves that what they see happening right in front of their eyes “isn’t really happening”, or is “no big deal”. It takes them far, far too long to respond, if they even respond at all, and our culture is now so far gone that men will now even DEFEND THEIR ATTACKERS purely in order to avoid acting like men and defending themselves, much less the women, children and elderly around them.

So what can one do, even a woman? It’s actually quite simple, and I’ve done this many times, the last time just a few weeks ago when a demoniac entered a church during a Mass I was attending: GIVE PEOPLE PERMISSION TO ACT. In other words, provide leadership to the point of GIVING ORDERS. Quickly scan the space and identify men who could be of help. Disqualify obvious faggots and heterosexual faggots and put them in the same category as elderly women. Then, start giving orders. TELL them, don’t ask them, to rise and approach the attacker. “YOU, YOU and YOU. GET OVER HERE NOW AND HELP.” By TELLING them to act, you have given them permission, which, as passive sheep, they require. Any sense of leadership, initiative or protective impulse has been wrung out of post-Christian man like water out of a sponge. They are incapable of generating it themselves, BUT a few are still capable of contributive action IF and ONLY IF they are given permission by a LEADER.

Once you have a group of men with at least the possibility of subduing a threatening person, give further orders: “If he lunges or touches anyone or pulls a weapon, rush him. Get him face down on the ground.” If I had personally been on that plane, I would have given orders to break both his arms and both his legs. This would completely incapacitate the man without killing him. If required, blows to the head with an improvised cudgel (I have approached threatening people with my metal water flask in hand to use as an improvised sub-optimal blackjack if necessary), or even using an improvised garrotte to knock out via strangulation a threat, is on the table.

Now, many of you reading this might think that I’m just fulfilling my own personal weekend warrior pseudo-masculine fantasies about myself. That may be part of it, but I can also tell you without the slightest doubt due to my own lived experience that some men today will respond to leadership and any semblance of genuine moral authority, EVEN IF THAT LEADERSHIP AND MORAL AUTHORITY IS COMING FROM A WOMAN. Please note the qualifier “MORAL”. It is critical to make the distinction here between the usurpation of authority and pathetic attempts at leadership by screeching harpy feminists, which is precisely the root cause of most men now being de facto castrates, and the rare and sadly occasionally required leadership and moral authority of a woman. Would that it were that I could “let the men handle the situation.” WOULD. THAT. IT. WERE. But as we see in the clip above, the assumed and reliable presence of masculinity is a luxury which our culture no longer affords.

This, once again, brings us to the question of how we present ourselves in public. If I were dressed like an average American slob, and comported myself as your typical American walrus cow feminist, I would wield no MORAL authority, and thus would not be able to effectively LEAD in an emergency situation. But because I am always dressed and comport myself with a gentility that was utterly pedestrian sixty years ago, but is now quite erroneously considered by some a form of LARPing, when I start leading in an emergency situation and giving orders (aka “permission”), it elicits a response. “Oh, crap. THAT lady just took point. This is for real….”

This exact same dynamic applies to men. A well-dressed and comported man (and by that I mean a man wearing actual clothes, i.e a shirt with a collar, pants not shorts, etc., not pajamas, who carries himself with a masculine, serious and respectable bearing) will wield authority over other men, sometimes with only a look. “Get your ass up and get over here” is quite easy to communicate solely with the eyes.

Folks, whether it be on a plane, at Mass, in a restaurant, in a store, at a sporting event, on the street, or ANY situation wherein a drunk or demoniac manifests, and this is only going to keep increasing in frequency, DO NOT do what the people in the clip do – waiting until the very last minute, or until it is too late. If no one immediately takes charge of the situation, if no one provides leadership, if no one gives permission to act, then the simple fact is that YOU are the leader, even if you are a woman – sadly. YOU must take charge, even if you are a woman – sadly. YOU must give the sheep the permission they require, even if you are a woman – sadly. Don’t be effeminate. Don’t be slothful. Don’t gaslight yourself into believing that what is happening right in front of you isn’t happening, or is no big deal, or is normal, or is JUSTIFIED (cough, CoronaScam, cough, death jabs, cough, cough). Don’t be like the people on the plane in the clip above.

To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.
St. Thomas Aquinas

If you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
St. Thomas Aquinas

Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of My Just One hath upheld thee.
Ne timeas, quia ego tecum sum; ne declines, quia ego Deus tuus; confortavi te, et auxiliatus sum tibi, et suscepit te dextera Justi mei.
Isaiah 41: 10

I hope this helps.