Monthly Archives: April 2022

Our Advocate in Exposing the Bergoglian Antipapacy: St. Vincent Ferrer – the Saint Who Backed an Antipope (for a time)

Thanks to one and all for the kind words and encouragement as we make strides in this effort to expose the Bergoglian Antipapacy and defend Holy Mother Church, the Divinely Instituted Petrine Office, the one and only Living Pope, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, and to hopefully keep others in the Church Militant from falling into despair, sedevacantism or even being misled or browbeaten into embracing the Antichurch and its wretched mascot, Antipope Jorge Bergoglio.

I want to encourage one and all to enjoin a saint in this battle who, I think, is probably more solicitous to this cause than perhaps any other – St. Vincent Ferrer. I often pair St. Vincent Ferrer with St. Catherine of Siena because they were contemporaries who were backing two different men as Pope for a time. As it turned out, St. Catherine was right and St. Vincent was wrong, and it is precisely because St. Vincent was wrong that we should seek his intercession.

The confusion about the identity of the true pope in St. Vincent’s day was a political question. St. Vincent never backed a raging heretic, nor would he have. Let that be said and well understood. However, St. Vincent was lied to by false friends and misled, and thus, for a time, called an antipope “Pope” and commemorated an Antipope at the Te Igitur every day as he celebrated Mass. St. Vincent was such a holy man that he continued to perform spectacular miracles even while he was mistakenly commemorating an Antipope in the Mass.

When the truth was fully exposed, and the controversy surrounding the identity of the Pope resolved, St. Vincent corrected his error immediately. But, can you imagine how St. Vincent felt knowing that he had commemorated an antipope hundreds of times in the Mass? Even though St. Vincent’s mistake was a completely honest one, and others had deceived him, being such a holy man, he must have felt awful. No sane person is ever happy to have made a mistake, even an honest one.

Given this, can you imagine how solicitous St. Vincent is for ALL OF US in these days? Can you imagine how keenly he wants to intercede for the correction of the people who are wrong, and how much he wants to intercede in assistance to and support of those who are right? And because St. Vincent has the Beatific Vision, he has all information and knows EXACTLY what the truth is.

Please join me in asking for St. Vincent Ferrer’s intercession as we fight for Holy Mother Church, the Petrine Office, the Pope, and for our fellow man.

St. Vincent Ferrer, Giovanni Bellini, ARSH 1465, Church of Sts. John and Paul, Venice

Don’t forget the Matthew 17:20 Initiative as well: full fasting twice per week and daily prayer that:

-the Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly acknowledged, that Antipope Bergoglio be removed and the entire Antipapacy be publicly nullified.

-Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly acknowledged as having been the one and only living Pope since April ARSH 2005.

-Jorge Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, eventually die in a state of grace and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.

-Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger repent, eventually die in a state of grace and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.

St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

FIFTEEN players have retired/forfeited/dropped out of the Miami Open professional tennis tournament, in progress, for health reasons. No boycotts. ALL FOR HEALTH REASONS, most mid-match.

It’s probably all heart damage. You can’t play tennis when two-thirds of your heart tissue is fried.

Largest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, by a long shot. And it will never end until they are PERMANENTLY, PHYSICALLY STOPPED.

When people say repeatedly, in no uncertain terms, for decades on end, that their primary goal and agenda is to reduce the human population by 90% in a matter of years, they should be taken at their word.

Barnhardt Podcast #171: “Can’t do it, Sally.”

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Ann is joined by NonVeni Mark and Dr. Mazza for yet another rip-roaring discussion of events of the day, from fake consecrations to fake smacks to fake monetary policy to fake resignations. Per usual, no tangents were explored, and Dr. Mazza definitely did NOT do a full re-enactment of Frankie Five Angels’ congressional testimony, no matter what salacious rumors in circulation might say to the contrary. And don’t call him Shirley. Don’t forget to keep up your First Friday and Saturday Fatima devotions, and to pray for the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl and Servant of God Zita!

Sign up for Dr. Mazza’s new class: Saint Augustine’s Survival Guide to Societal Collapse!

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The key to this is that it is NOT shocking or surprising. The DeathJabs are about money, power and population reduction and control. Period. And it was obvious from February ARSH 2020 – yes 2020. They started talking about “vaccines” IMMEDIATELY.