Q&A: Ann, even if Pope Benedict were to re-submit a valid resignation, he will never publicly act as Pope again, so isn’t this all an exercise in futility?

Q: Ann, even if Pope Benedict were to re-submit a valid resignation, he will never publicly act as Pope again, so isn’t this all an exercise in futility?

A: First, never say never.  We can’t predict how this is going to play out.  Pope Benedict COULD re-assert his office.  We just don’t know, so making statements that this or that will NEVER happen is ill-advised, to put it mildly.  The past nine years are proof of this in and of themselves.  Who could have EVER foreseen this mess? Or that it would drag out this long, with every day being yet another opportunity for it to be rectified… easily. With one Cardinalatial press statement.

Second, I actually covered this question in my Part 1 Video on the Bergoglian Antipapacy at the 1:14:55 timestamp.

Pope Benedict submitting a valid resignation is actually one of the possible paths forward out of this mess.  It wouldn’t be ideal, but it certainly would untie a lot of knots.  Here’s why:

If Pope Benedict were to submit a valid resignation today, what that would do is PROVE JURIDICALLY BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the resignation proffered in February ARSH 2013 was invalid.  In order to resign the Petrine Office, a man must BE IN POSSESSION OF THAT OFFICE.  It is not juridically possible to resign an office ex post facto, that is, with a retroactive efficacy.  Further, the very fact that Pope Benedict was “re-submitting” a resignation would juridically prove that the first “attempt” in ARSH 2013 was in violation of the “proper manifestation” clause in Canon 332.2 – the first attempt was so “unclear” and dubious at minimum that a second attempt was required. A doubtful resignation is no resignation at all per Canon Law.

So, what this would also PROVE JURIDICALLY BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT is that the “conclave” of March ARSH 2013 was totally invalid and null, per Canon 359.  

Can. 359 When the Apostolic See is vacant, the college of cardinals possesses only that power in the Church which is attributed to it in special law.

Can. 359 — Sede Apostolica vacante, Cardinalium Collegium ea tantum in Ecclesia gaudet potestate, quae in peculiari lege eidem tribuitur.

Folks, the very first clause is the punchline in this situation: WHEN THE APOSTOLIC SEE IS VACANT.

What this Canon does is 100% prohibit and utterly nullify ANY conclave convened while the Petrine See is STILL OCCUPIED, that is, NOT VACANT – no matter what the circumstance, including totally unprecedented circumstances, such as this current situation of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger trying to partially resign only the administrative/governance ministerio, and “expand” the Petrine Office/Munus into a “collegial, synodal, shared ministry”.

Since the Petrine See was still occupied, the College of Cardinals had absolutely no ability or capacity to call a valid conclave.  The fact that the College of Cardinals were unanimous in their error is utterly, totally irrelevant.  The College of Cardinals cannot depose a sitting Pope by calling a conclave.  Canon 359 clearly codifies this common sense reality. The argument of “Universal Peaceful Acceptance” only applies to VALID, LEGITIMATE, LEGAL conclaves, as every citation makes clear, and as comports with simple common sense.

THEREFORE, the Bergoglian Antipapacy would INSTANTLY be publicly recognized as totally null, and every document, every bit of heresy, idolatry and apostasy peddled as winking-kinda-sorta-yes-but-no-but-yes Bergoglian faux-magisterium would be instantly recognized as the NULL SET that it is, vis-a-vis the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Now, tell me again how Pope Benedict submitting a valid resignation would be “an exercise in futility”?

What SHOULD Pope Benedict do?  Well, barring supernatural intervention, the best case scenario, as I see it, would be to re-assert his Office and act like the Absolute Monarch that he is, and then liquidate the ENTIRE College of Cardinals and re-boot it with twelve men – not bishops, but good and holy priests, simultaneously consecrate them bishops and make them Cardinals – and start over.  

Also, Pope Benedict should liquidate the entire Roman Curia and reboot it, including the Vatican Gendarmerie, liquidate the Vatican Bank, and shut down the Vatican Museums which operates as a mafia.  He should also close and re-boot the Pontifical Universities in Rome, and, of course, suppress the Jesuits and the Legion of Christ.  He should put the entire German church under interdict, and depose most of the German bishops.  That would be a good start.  But, yes, I realize that this would be miracle-level stuff.  But hey, miracles can and do happen. We can, should and I believe MUST continue to storm heaven asking God to fix this mess by any means necessary, worldly, supernatural, or a combination of both.

I have ZERO doubt that it will happen. Antipope Bergoglio WILL be publicly recognized as an Antipope, and his every utterance and deed whilst usurping the Petrine See will be nullified. AND Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger will be publicly acknowledged as having been the one and only Vicar of Christ, uninterrupted, from April ARSH 2005 until whatever future date whereupon he dies or VALIDLY resigns according to Canon Law.

I hope this helps.  Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.