Someone needs to explain to this pathetic heterosexual faggot that injecting people with poison is a capital crime, and as Nuremberg clearly established, “I was just following orders” is NOT A DEFENSE.

Sorry to interrupt your Christmas Eve preparations, but this is just too remarkable to not… remark upon.

Kudos to the lady who recorded and posted this.  Well done, Ma’am.

This guy is what I refer to as a “heterosexual faggot”, which should be self-explanatory.  What an absolute DISGRACE of a man. Weak, stuttering and stammering under the weight of his own effeminacy, wringing his hands and fiddling with his Masonic burqa.  This failure freely admits that he started injecting people with poison – no questions asked, zero due diligence done, because it meant his job. Remember, effeminacy is the vice of softness as St. Thomas Aquinas calls it, that is, refusing to do a virtuous good because it would reduce one’s own personal pleasure or comfort.  Effeminacy, as a vice, transcends sex.  Women must shun effeminacy every bit as much as men, although to see it in men is admittedly far more repulsive, as the deplorable piece of work above so ably demonstrates. I honestly don’t know how guys like him look themselves in the mirror.

One of the reasons I strongly suspect that so many people are simply unwilling to face the enormity of the CoronaScam crime against humanity is the sheer number of people who have, now almost two years into this, committed CAPITAL CRIMES, that is, crimes meriting the death penalty. You know, like injecting men, women and children with poison.

And if this business isn’t stopped, more and more and more people will be complicit in capital crimes – when people refuse to sell food to the unjabbed, when landlords forcibly evict non-jabbed renters and turn away the already homeless to die of exposure, when employees of financial entities sweep the zeros-and-ones out of customer accounts because they haven’t received THIS MONTH’S mandatory injection.

Every one of them will deserve to swing as much as the Nazi guards in the camps did. Because “I was just following orders” IS NO DEFENSE.

The mass die-off/war will be the easy part.  Meting justice out upon the surviving mid and low-level capital criminals like the heterosexual faggot pharmacist above will be an absolutely horrific but necessary task.  Who swings?  Who serves time? Who will be left?

The urgency with which we beg Our Lord to render supernatural assistance and mete out His Judgment upon the wicked grows with each passing day that we collectively refuse to do anything about this shitshow.   Every day new capital criminals are created. Every day new death sentences are warranted.  And it will never, ever, ever get better until someone physically puts an end to it. The only question is, who is going to do it? Our Lord in His infinite Goodness is giving us every chance to do it ourselves, TO DO THE RIGHT THING, a chance that we throw back in His face every single day.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.