The CoronaCold Lies Are Exactly the Same As the Al Gore EnviroNazi Tactic, Except the Window of “Certain Doom” is Now Weeks, Not Years

So I let them go according to the desires of their heart:
they shall walk in their own inventions.
Psalm 80: 13

I’d like to open this by stating that I strongly suspect this is the single largest tactical intelligence gathering operation in all of human history.  Up until now, I think that both the Chinese and the Freemasonic Deep State/NewWorldOrder Axis have assumed that the quote attributed to Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto “behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle,” held.  What this CoronaCold operation has done is reveal that while yes, there is a RIFLE behind every blade of grass, there is no MAN there to fire it.  I suspect that the Chinese are totally re-assessing their wargaming with regards to a land invasion of the West Coast as we speak.

Having said that, I want to point out that what we are seeing in terms of the PanicDemic-mongering militant misanthrope shut-in Xanax-poppers browbeating people with is EXACTLY the same agitprop tactic used by the likes of Al Gore and the Greta creature, namely:

DOOM!  If you do not do what I say, there will be TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOOM within {X} years!  Mark my words!  The earth will die – the ice caps will be gone, the oceans will rise, there will be perpetual hurricanes and droughts and blizzards!  DOOOOOOM!  And it will all ABSOLUTELY HAPPEN WITHIN {X} YEARS IF YOU DO NOT GIVE ME MONEY AND DO WHAT I SAY!!!

These people, being impatient, with their impatience brought to a head by the fact that they have found themselves self-painted into the corner of running a man clearly in the throes of severe and rapidly-escalating dementia against Trump, have now mapped the decades-long EnviroNazi scam of publicly setting deadlines, which people JUST KEEP FALLING FOR no matter how many times the deadlines are proved to be the abject bullshit and lies that they are, or else DOOM!

It’s exactly the same.

The reason why this will never resolve without force of arms, is because they have already established in the zeitgeist – and I noticed immediately that it was a massive priority in terms of propaganda from the very beginning, to push, push, push – the notion that “YOU ARE AN ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER FOR THREE WEEKS AND THEREFORE IF YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE YOU ARE A PSYCHOPATHIC MURDERER OF OLD PEOPLE!!!”

Let’s think about this logically.  If everyone is a presumed “asymptomatic carrier” for three weeks, that means that the State can INDEFINITELY claim that we are “JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY FROM TOTAL DOOM!”  Forever.  Do you hear me?  FOREVER.  Because, just like with the ozone layer, or global warming, or whatever the power-grabbing scam of the day is… WE’RE JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY!!!  F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

And when there are no mountains of bodies, and when the numbers show that even with the book-cooking of attributing EVERY POSSIBLE DEATH to CoronaCold even if the CoronaCold was a non-lethal, merely co-present Hospital Acquired Infection (I wonder if every cadaver is now ALSO being tested for H1N1 seasonal flu, Norovirus, Staphylococcus Aurea or Klebsiella pneumoniae – ah, of course not) turns out to be LESS than seasonal flu, I can PROMISE YOU the both the Freemasonic NewWorldOrder, the Antichurch, and every psycho-spiritually ill cat lady with a standing scrip for Xanax and Prozac will BELLOW at one and all that WE ARE JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY FOR DOOOOOOOM and YOU ARE A ****ING MURDERER IF YOU DON’T BARRICADE YOURSELF IN YOUR HOME AND… GIVE. ME. MONEY!  You ignorant rubes!  Don’t you understand that I am SAVING HUMANITY?

It’s exactly the same fraud, except the time window has been brought down from years to three weeks.

So I let them go according to the desires of their heart:
they shall walk in their own inventions.
Psalm 80: 13



Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.