Monthly Archives: November 2017

Hollywood Pedophile Ringleader Was Member of Clinton Global Initiative

Ho ho ho.  After watching the Hollywood pedophile expose documentary “An Open Secret”, an eagle-eyed reader spotted the following about one of the main ringleaders, Brock Pierce:

Pierce was elected Director of the Bitcoin Foundation in 2014. His election led several members of the organization to resign, citing allegations that Pierce had been involved in child abuse. Pierce has not been criminally charged and has repeatedly denied the allegations which stem from a 1999 lawsuit.

The cryptocurrency attraction for these monsters is the notion of being able to move money to pay for child trafficking and pornography without being traced.

Reading more on this Brock Pierce monster, what do we find?  Sure enough, he was a “member” of the Clinton Global Initiative – the Clintons’ racketeering organization.

Imagine that…

I wonder if Antipope Bergoglio will now invite him to be a participant in the upcoming Synod on Youth?