CrossPost at "Ann Barnhardt Heckles Bishop"

I have been asked to contribute to a new, temporary website that will be covering the Synod to Destroy the Family in Rome.  My first piece is posted there now.  It is titled “Ann Barnhardt Heckles Bishop”.

A teaser excerpt:

Still glaring at me, the bishop then launched into the first of his two defenses of the September 8th catastrophic Motu Proprio. First, he complained about the “stack of paperwork” backlogged on his desk from all of the annulment requests he had to deal with.

I interrupted him with, “Yeah, that’s just awful – almost as bad as being nailed to a cross….”

Thus ended the episcopal bitch-fest about the unbearable existential burden of backlogged paperwork.

It gets even better from there.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.