Sweet Respite: More Edifying Music, since you have asked. “Never My Love” for June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Man, doesn’t this hit harder this year? We need this.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which burns in infinite, inextinguishable love for every one of us.  That is why hell exists – because He loves us with such infinitude that He can’t snuff us out of existence, even if we tell Him to our dying breaths to go… away.  You know how people hate Him.  He is the most hated Entity in the universe – by a LONG SHOT.  

Has anyone ever hated you?  Have you ever been the target of a Diabolical Narcissist?  Or even just a sinner? Could YOU snuff that person totally out of existence?  Really? Could you really do that? Jesus couldn’t, and can’t, not because He doesn’t have the ability – of course He has the ability, HE IS THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER of everything. He can’t snuff any of us, or any of the fallen angels, out of existence because He loves us.  We aren’t chessmen to Him.  We aren’t toy soldiers to Him.  We aren’t ants on the sidewalk to Him. We are infinitely loved rational intellects made in His likeness and image to be loved by Him forever, which necessitates our free will to choose to love Him in return… or hate Him through our indifference and pride.  Love is only love if it is FREELY CHOSEN. Love can NEVER be coerced. Consider that.

So here is a beautiful song from the heart of the 1960s, by the Association.  “Never My Love”.  The lyrics aren’t PERFECT, but I have added [italic brackets] to correct the theological imprecisions IF one hears this song as Our Lord singing to us.  He doesn’t DEPEND on us, and He doesn’t REQUIRE us.  Which only makes the point that much stronger…

Our Lord’s love for us is COMPLETELY GRATUITOUS.

Enjoy Five Nerds and an Asian Cat singing a beautiful song. I hope you never hear it the same way again.

You ask Me if there’ll come a time
When I grow tired of you
Never, My love
Never, My love

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you
Never, My love
Never, My love

What makes you think love will end
When you know that My whole life depends
On you (on you) [His existence in absolutely no way depends on any of us created beings, ever. Ever.]
Never, My love
Never, My love

You say you fear I’ll change My Mind
And I won’t require you [He does not REQUIRE any of us.  He is God. He requires nothing. That’s the point…]
Never, My love
Never, My love

How can you think love will end
When I’ve asked you to spend your whole life
With Me (with Me, with Me) [Exactly true, and note the Triune repitition…]

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you…
Never, My love.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.