Monthly Archives: June 2017


So, a little review for those of you who may be new.

Islam is a political system, NOT a religion, and unless and until humanity wakes the hell up and STOPS referring to it as a religion, there is no hope. Islam is a hyper-aggressive, militaristic, expansionist, totalitarian political system designed to create a super-rich micro-oligarchical ruling class with a massive, destitute, genetically handicapped underclass below. The paper-thin faux-religious facade was a conscious, specific con from the very beginning – much like Mormonism and Scientology – a pure racket using borrowed and piggy-backed religious motifs to lend credibility to a massive, loosely-knit network of crime syndicate cells.

Here is a quote from Osama bin Laden that sums it all up:

“Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue; one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice, and it is: Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; or [2] payment of the jizya, through physical, though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; or [3] the sword, for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die.”
–Osama Bin Laden
(The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 42)

Definition of suzerainty: a situation in which a region or people is a compulsory tributary to a more powerful entity, which controls its foreign affairs while allowing the tributary vassal state internal autonomy.

Please note that the quote above makes perfectly clear that islam DOES NOT CARE IF YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF THEIR FAUX-RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT OR NOT – BECAUSE THAT’S NOT THE POINT. All that matters is EARTHLY submission and control of landmass. All of that five-times-per-day sticking one’s butt in the air while some sex pervert shrieks about a non-existent pagan moon deity over a loudspeaker is not “prayer”. It is an outward sign of submission to the musloid political system. NOTHING more. It’s a gang signal. It’s a salute.

Islam isn’t about “allah” or “paradise” or “prayer” or “spirituality” or how human beings should relate to one another or how human beings should relate to a “god” or the eternal fate of the human soul. THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT. Islam is about acquiring physical, earthly territory and installing a totalitarian government over the earth that provides a cadre of “elites” masquerading as some sort of “clergy” with massive decadent wealth and as much twisted perverted sex as they want, including homosexual and heterosexual pedohilia, ephebophilia, concubinage, incest, bestiality and necrophilia. There is nothing new under the sun. They want power, they want money and they want sex. The “religious” aspects are a stone-cold con, which Bin Laden himself declared in no uncertain terms.

They can’t be reasoned with. They can’t be dialogued with. There is no such thing as “radical islam”. There is islam, which is even more bloodthirsty, conscienceless and perverse than what we are seeing today. We cannot possibly imagine what they would do if given true carte-blanche. Islam in the west today is like an eleven year old boy – just BARELY on the cusp of puberty, just BEGINNING to test the waters. These beheadings, rapes, suicide attacks and terror operations are BUSH LEAGUE. Just as it is nonsensical and depraved to refer to Nazis as “radical Nazis” and “moderate Nazis” – as if ANY Nazism could ever be considered acceptable, so it is with islam. This is why Egyptian president Sisi’s speech calling for a “reformation” of islam is nonsense. All Sisi’s speech did was confirm that Sisi himself doesn’t actually believe any of it, and instead of doing the morally correct thing and renouncing islam, Sisi wants to have his pancakes and eat them too. He wants everyone – like him – to subscribe to and associate themselves with something that they don’t actually believe in or take seriously. (How very Antipope Bergoglio of him.)

Well, you can pour maple syrup on a puddle of bloody, diarrhetic hogshit all you want, but it will never, ever be pancakes.

THIS is how the musloid problem should be faced and solved. It isn’t difficult.

1. Formally declare islam a POLITICAL SYSTEM, and in no way a religion or falling under any religious protections whatsoever.

2. Criminalize islam in every form.

3. Formally recognize the islamic caliphate as a political entity. Define as Islamic Suzerainty ANY NATION that tolerates its existence or engages in any diplomatic negotiations or dialogue with any part of the Caliphate as defined above.

4. Declare war on the islamic caliphate and all of its Suzerainties.

5. Nuke Mecca and Medina to glass after generously, mercifully giving a 24 hour evacuation notice.

6. Seize and physically destroy every mosque in the homeland.

7. Arrest, intern and deport every musloid. Cancel the citizenship of those with citizenship. This was done with American citizens who were members of the German American Bund (American Nazi Party) during WWII. And yes, you’re damn right it was the morally correct thing to do. Read up HERE.)

8. Establish a quarantine on all majority islamic nations, shoot down all aircraft attempting to leave the airspace, excepting deportation aircraft returning for the next load of garbage. Intercept and tow back to port of origin all ships and boats attempting to leave any port. Build walls on all land borders with every inch within range of .50 cal sentry guns.

9. Send in the missionaries. Consecrate all formerly islamic lands to Jesus Christ the Sovereign King. Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Pray the Divine Office. Baptize every human being that asks for it. The rest will take care of itself.

Agree or disagree on any of the above points, but understand that the gist of the solution is the following:

Stop the spread.
Contain them where they are.
Use the only thing they understand – PHYSICAL FORCE AND STRENGTH.
Aggressively proselytize.
Fully acknowledge that even a converted musloid, like a domesticated wild animal, will be dangerous for the rest of his life and can never be fully trusted.

Ann Barnhardt
5 June ARSH 2017
Monday in the Octave of Pentecost

Starting Pentecost Monday Off Right: Tongues of Fire Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Pentecost, Jean II Restout, ARSH 1732, Louvre, Paris.

I have always loved this image especially for the Apostle in the foreground (perhaps Peter? It would make sense….), head bowed to the ground and hands clasped above his head in pleading fear.  One can only imagine how incredibly… intimidating this event must have been.



ONE.   A fascicle is any small bundle or cluster.

TWO. Apparently Barnhardt Podcast #006 was… appreciated.  If you want to hear sane, reasonably intelligent people say things that are obviously true, and yet SPECTACULARLY “politically incorrect”, “immoderate” and full-throttle zealous (the Fruit of the Third Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and Mary, is Zeal, by the way – a virtue that we should be always be asking God for an INCREASE in), you know where to look.

For those who were so extremely munificent over the past couple of days, I thank you most sincerely, and to all benefactors everywhere. May God reward you! SuperNerd and I will most definitely keep it up.  In fact, I want to start a feature wherein listeners send in one spectacularly politically incorrect (and 100% true) thing to say, and I say it, every week.  I know what the first one will be.  But, any requests from listeners will be reviewed and considered.

THREE.  JUNE 7! Mark your calendars!

Dear Ann,

While listening to your latest podcast, I was very moved by your solicitude for the spiritual well-being of Melania Trump. Consequently, I will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for her on Wednesday, June 7, at noon EDT. I will use the Missal of Pius V.

Oremus pro invicem,
Father M.

FOUR:  Several readers sent in info on the tangled web of the “marriages” surrounding all of these Trump relations.  The most relevant to our discussion is the fact that Ivana Trump was Donald Trump’s first wife, but Trump was her SECOND husband. Ivana was married before she married Trump, from ARSH 1971-1973 to Austrian real estate agent Alfred Winklmayr.

So, that throws everything all a-kimbo.  Trump has been very, very public about the fact that he views marriage as nothing more than a business transaction, and that the whole “for better or for worse, ’til death us do part” vow is a meaningless joke to him.  If you don’t believe me, just do a search on “Donald Trump Howard Stern show appearances” and prepare to be nauseated.  And every one of his “wives” has, as a condition of marrying him, had to sign iron-clad prenuptial agreements, which he has enforced with the utmost vigor.  So, given that prenups invalidate a marriage in the eyes of the Church, because it indicates that both spouses do NOT view marriage as a permanent, binding covenant, and thus the ceremony that they call “a wedding” is actually just them aping the sacrament of marriage, it seems likely that Trump has never been validly married.

SO, since Trumps “marriages” to both Ivana (previously married and signed prenup) and Marla Maples (signed a prenup) are likely null, Melania’s marriage to Trump COULD be made whole and valid IF AND ONLY IF DONALD TRUMP TORE UP AND LEGALLY CANCELLED AND UTTERLY INVALIDATED THEIR PRUNUPTIAL AGREEMENT AND HAD THE MARRIAGE BLESSED IN THE CHURCH.

For Donald Trump to tear up his prenup with Melania would be a full-blown miracle, and indicative of a supernatural event that caused mass conversions, and I’m dead serious.  In fact, I think it would not be too much to say that it would be the sort of thing that would happen as a direct result of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, it would be THAT “impossible” today.

Also, in regards to messes like we see with the Trump “marriages”, Our Lady under her title of “Undoer of Knots” would be a most apropos person to enjoin in prayer.

FIVE:  Oh yes, I am definitely enjoying Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord, which anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows is an extortion and money laundering racket on a global scale, run by the Soros machine.  I see Antipope Bergoglio and his faggot henchmen are hissing and spitting, and one even admitted that Antipope Bergoglio’s fake-ass “encyclical” “Laudato Si’ ” was written explicitly and consciously as agitprop for the Paris accord and the Soros environmental extortion racket.  Heh.  Youbetcha.  Y’all know I’m not on Team Trump, but I’m still able to appreciate when even he sticks it to those filthy, satanic, Freemasonic sodomite psychopaths in the Casa Santa Marta.  And I am certainly happy to see that Jared and Ivanka did NOT sway Trump on this point.  That is a very good thing.

SIX:  On the Ariana Grande thing, several people sent in citations of Grande admitting that she is an apostate Catholic who now “practices”… wait for it… Kabbalah.

It is absolutely true that Kabbalah and Freemasonry are closely related, with Freemasonry being the younger of the two by many centuries, being patterned off of Kabbalah, which is a satanic- gnostic mysticism that came out of Talmudic Judaism.  Yes.  This is 100% true and factual. It is NO SURPRISE that Grande is involved in it.  The most famous person involved in and pushing Kabbalah is the Dread Strumpet Ciccone, known by her first name, Madonna, who any morally sane person can see is completely in the grips of satan and has been for decades.

SEVEN:  To end on a note of happiness and beauty, here is one of my favorite pieces of instrumental music.  This is an instrumental bluegrass cover of Jimmy Buffet’s “A Pirate Looks at 40”, which I have always thought was a gorgeous melody, but Buffet’s despicable lyrics and effeminate “lifestyle” of sloth and debauchery ruined it.  Here is an instrumental version, so none of the Buffet baggage is present.  In terms of the bluegrass, the style is very much that of Union Station (Alison Krauss’ band), which I adore, although this is NOT Union Station performing. The best part of this arrangement is at the 1:56 mark when the stand-up bass and rhythm guitar kick in with the backbeat, and then the mandolin and lead guitar soar above.  This video is just a “fan video” a guy made of, apparently, his house in Florida somewhere.  I’m using this video because the sound quality is very good, and the other version on YouTube has a disturbing image that I don’t want to post.  So, if this guy looks at his view stats, he is going to go from 20 to something greater than 20 here pretty quick.  I hope he doesn’t freak out. We are friendly people.  Enjoy!

Starting Friday Off Right: Not Made For Poltroons Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

We have no time to go to sleep here, for Paradise was not made for poltroons.
-St. Philip Neri