“That could never happen here….” Read about the voluntary mass suicide of the Xhosa people by self-immolation of their cattle and crops – as your government destroys meat, milk and eggs, and crude oil trades for NEGATIVE $60.00 per barrel

As I keep saying, and I think more and more people are realizing, this whole thing is 100% self-inflicted.  CoronaCold by Gates (TM) is a chest cold, and nothing more.  The books have been cooked on every statistic since day one, intentionally.  Every death possible – and impossible (such as accidents) – are being coded … Continue reading “That could never happen here….” Read about the voluntary mass suicide of the Xhosa people by self-immolation of their cattle and crops – as your government destroys meat, milk and eggs, and crude oil trades for NEGATIVE $60.00 per barrel