Monthly Archives: August 2014

Starting Tuesday Off Right: St. Clare Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

clare monstrance

In the year ARSH 1240, the beautiful Italian noblewoman Clare of Assisi who had become a nun after hearing St. Francis preach, saved her convent and all the sisters therein from a massive hoard of musloid invaders – mercenaries from then-musloid Sicily paid by Emperor Frederick II to exert his control over the Italian peninsula.  How did she do it?  With the musloids putting ladders against the walls of the convent preparing to enter and… do what musloids do to women – can you imagine the abject terror the dear sisters and Clare must have felt? – brave Clare went to Our Lord and placed Him in a monstrance and then carried Him herself out to the walls, where she placed Him in view of the musloid mercenaries.  Clare and the sisters then fell down prostrate before Our Lord Jesus Christ, physically, substantially present in the Holy Eucharist, and prayed.  At this sight, a wave of fear crashed over the musloids and they dropped everything, turned, and fled.  The sisters and Assisi were saved.  It was a miracle.

St. Clare of Assisi, repeller of musloid hordes, pray for us.


Thinking From a True Premise on Iraq

Imbecile pundits who still can’t get their heads around objective reality are sowing confusion with regards to the overthrow of the government in Iraq.  Let’s state the obvious so that clear, logical, reasoned thinking may follow:

1.  The Obama regime is delighted to see Iraq destabilize because its objective is the reformation of the islamic Caliphate.  Baghdad is now primed to be conquered by ISIS, who are Musloid Brotherhood/Al Qaeda and have been supported and armed by the Obama regime, which is up to its neck in musloid agents.

2.  Additionally, the Obama regime is heavily allied with Turkey, which has as one of its top goals the reconquering of all Kurd territory, and a likely genocide against the Kurds.   Erdogan of Turkey has aspirations to reform the Caliphate as Ottoman-centric, with himself as the Caliph.  He will happily let the ISIS brutes do all of the dirty work in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere and will use them to squeeze the Kurds from the South, and then when ISIS is no longer useful, or excessively dangerous to him, he will slaughter them and declare himself the Caliph of the musloids, enthroned at Istanbul.  I’m sure Obama will be invited to the coronation at the
Hagia Sophia.

3.  Obama the man is a meaningless puppet and always has been.  I don’t know what it is going to take for people to comprehend that the drug-addled, sodomite imbecile is of zero importance to the decision making and strategy being implemented out of the White House, Pentagon and Foggy Bottom.  Sitting around acting all shocked that he is playing golf on the Vineyard with Valerie Jarrett’s cousin and Ahmad Rashad while World War 3 is fomenting is simply idiotic, especially after we are SIX YEARS into this.  The only real relevance Obama the man now has is, as I have bluntly put it, as an “Expendable Faggot” whose false flag assassination by his handlers would ignite the mother of all Reichstag Fires, and which I fear more and more with each passing day.

4.  The Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America is no longer extant, and hasn’t been for years.   It was overthrown in a cold coup by enemies of the now-dead constitutional republic, and of western civilization in general.  The people now running the government headquartered in Washington are malignant psychopaths who view the idea that was “America” and people who associate themselves with that system as “Americans” to be THE ENEMY.  Everything they have done, are doing, and will do has as its aim the destruction of that system and the subjugation and eventual extermination of the people who associate themselves with it.  They are, in fact, exactly the same as ISIS and the musloid political system:  convert, pay the submission tax as long as we deem you economically harvestable, die.  But by all means, please keep telling yourselves that “if we just pick up a few more congressional seats” and “get a guy Like Ted Cruz (whose wife is a Goldman Sachs executive) in”, everything will be fine.  You bet.  Any why don’t you take up thumb-sucking and hair twirling too, while you’re at it, because that will actually be a better use of your time than soaking in a tepid, sulfuric pool of of your own cowardice and self-delusion.

More Ebullient Positivity

1.  If you tell your enemy what you will never do, like say, for example, WAGE WAR, then all you have accomplished, aside from making a complete preening ass out of yourself, is tell your enemy precisely what he must do to defeat you.

If you declare that you will never wage war (who could possibly say anything so breathtakingly STUPID??), then all your enemy need do to defeat you is wage war against you.
If you declare that you will never use nuclear weapons, then all your enemy need do to defeat you is use nuclear weapons against you.
If you declare that you will never, ever strike non-military targets, then all your enemy need do is cache his weapons and launch his attacks from hospitals, schools, churches and civilian neighborhoods.

Good grief, this isn’t hard.

2.  Just as a reminder, as you watch the world descend into war and pestilence, remember, this has all been done intentionally.  The Obama regime is the explicit, conscious, declared enemy of western civilization, and really ALL civilization, and EVERYTHING that the still-braindead pundit class is desperately trying to blame on mere incompetence is no such thing.  All of this, from the implosion of the economy and the healthcare delivery matrix, to the dissolving of the Mexican border and the attendant invasion of disease-ridden welfare recipients/”voters”, mercenaries and terrorists, to the reformation of the islamic caliphate and genocide of Christians (using U.S. weaponry supplied directly and consciously to the Musloid Brotherhood/al Qaeda/ISIS via the Benghazi beachhead and arms supply depot), to the surrender of Europe to Moscow, is all completely, totally, maliciously INTENTIONAL.  If you operate or base an argument from any other premise that this one-and-only TRUE premise, then you are a deluded fool who is wasting everyone’s time with your imbecilic mental masturbation.

Don’t kid yourselves.  The oligarchs are hoping and praying that Ebola breaks out in North America, because crises are the afterburners on their scramjets to hell.

3.  Oh, and don’t mind this.  The Chinese are going to build a canal across Nicaragua that will permit ships up to 400,000 tons displacement.  This will make the Panama Canal (150,000 tons max displacement) into nothing more than a theme park ride.  And the Chinese will then own Central and South America, lock, stock and barrel.  No, really.  Everything’s cool.

4.  The more I read, the more I realize what a truly malignant and evil tyrant Woodrow Wilson was.  He needs to be in the same class as Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  He was that bad, and his actions killed and continue to kill that many people, and the fruits of his diabolical machinations are not only still blossoming and ripening before our very eyes, but exploding into a parabolic crescendo.

5.  Time for bluegrass.  I so wish that I could sing.  It must be such a feeling of relief and catharsis to sing.

O bear my longing heart to Him who bled and died for me
Whose Blood now cleanses from all sin and gives me victory
O come Angel Band, come and around me stand
O bear me away on your snow white wings to my immortal home
O bear me away on your snow white wings to my immortal home.

Notes and Advice on How to Convert

Since everyone’s asking, and because aggressive proselytism is the duty of every Christian as commanded by Our Blessed Lord in absolutely no uncertain terms in the Great Commission, and because time’s a wastin’, here is my advice on how to go about entering the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  This advice will be assuming the reader is in North America.

A.) Find a Latin Mass parish that is in full communion with the Holy See.  There are two main fraternaties right now, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and the Institute of Christ the King.  Here are their respective websites.  Cruise over and see if either of these societies has a parish within any sort of driving distance to you.

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
(Click on “FSSP Apostolates and Locations” at the top of the page)

The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
(list of parishes on the right side of the page)

If you strike out there, take a look at the list below, assembled by the Ecclesia Dei commission.

Ecclesia Dei Traditional Mass Directory

There are more and more Traditional Masses being offered by diocesan priests and others all the time.  The blunt truth is simply this: with the Traditional Mass you stand much, much, much better odds of finding a priest who actually believes in Our Lord, in His Holy Church, what the Church teaches, and is neither a Marxist nor a sodomite, and will thus be overjoyed at the prospect of another soul entering the Church, because the Traditional Mass, saturated with orthodoxy and glorious masculine beauty as it is, is abhorrent and repellant to Marxists, sodomites and heretics.  I’m not going to promise you 100% odds, but they will be much, much better than just stumbling into your closest Novus Ordo parish.

B.)  When asked why you want to convert, begin and end whatever you say with the Eucharist and the Mass.  I want to enter the Church because I am given to understand that the Eucharist is the physical substance of God and the Mass is the once-and-for-all sacrifice of Calvary made present in time.  Then fill in whatever details you would like.  Some, but certainly not all, traditional priests in the U.S. know my name and roughly what is discussed around here.  If you want to drop my name I would be most humbled, and if the priest knows of this website, it will give him a good idea of where you are coming from and possibly save some time.  Or not.

C.) Entering the Church is a big, big deal with massive corollary responsibilities and consequences.  You don’t get married on the first date, and you don’t enter the Church the Sunday after you present yourself to a priest.  You have to receive instruction.  This will go on for as long as the priest deems it necessary, because he is the shepherd and you, little lamb, are his responsibility.  This time should be measured in MONTHS, not weeks.  You will be expected to start attending Mass every Sunday – and why wouldn’t you, right?

D.) Be certain to ask for instruction in the rubrics of the Mass itself, and how to use a hand missal.  It only takes three or four Masses tops to get comfortable with what is going on.  Be curious. Ask questions (in the appropriate time and place). The Church and the Mass exist FOR YOUR BENEFIT.  They are your inheritance.  Claim it.

E.)  Womenfolk:  Gitcha a real purty veil.  I strongly recommend Veils By Lily.  I also strongly recommend having Lily sew one of her handy dandy combs into your veil(s) so you can wear it swept-back Grace Kelly style, and so it stays in place and you don’t have to keep messing with it.  Trust me, ladies.  Go with the comb.

F.) Ask the priest to introduce you to people in the parish.  One of the pleasant things (to me) about going to a Traditional Mass is that you probably aren’t going to be swarmed and interrogated by a welcome wagon.  People leave you alone.  This is often mistaken, especially by people coming out of the Protestant milieu, as aloofness or snobbery.  No.  It is merely the fact that the reason people go to Mass is to… WORSHIP GOD, not to socialize.  Protestant gatherings are mere social experiences, as there is no real worship going on, because remember, worship involves the offering of a sacrifice, and Protestantism BY DEFINITION denies the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  So all that is left is socializing and entertainment, punctuated by some mindless improvised prayer.  “Lord, we just… we just want to thank You for this day and for this fellowship, and we just… just…”  Anyway, simply ask the priest if he would mind introducing you around at the coffee and doughnuts time after Mass if they have such a thing, or just to some other families privately.  Once you’re introduced, you’ll have a whole church full of new friends and acquaintances.

G.)  Like every other group of human beings in the world ever, there are some crazy cuckoopants people in Traddyland.  I mean some real nutters.  You know, like, er… ME!  Just brace for this now.

Traditional Catholic and  portrait of normalcy.

Traditional Catholic and portrait of normalcy.

H.)  If you are on the pill or otherwise contracepting, either chemically, surgically or mechanically, understand right now that that is going to have to stop.  If you are shacking up, that is going to have to end.  If you are divorced and remarried, that is going to have to be addressed, and I can’t promise you that there is an easy-peasy “happy” ending there.  Harsh but true.  But remember, ANYONE can go to Mass.  ANYONE can kneel and pray before Our Lord in the Tabernacle or exposed in a monstrance.  ANYONE can make a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION with Our Lord.  In fact, you should start making spiritual communions NOW.  Right now.  Right this second, and whenever you want for the rest of your life, including and most especially at Mass.

I.)  If there simply is no way to get to a Traditional Mass parish or a priest who offers the Traditional Mass, find the best Novus Ordo parish you can.  I came into the Church through a Novus Ordo parish, if that is any edification to you.  But understand that even the best Novus Ordo parish may be … lacking.  I’ll conclude with an anecdote.  I came into the Church through a big, new, successful parish in Denver.  It was and is widely regarded as one of the most conservative and exemplary parishes in the archdiocese of Denver, and the pastor is very popular among the laity.  At the Easter Vigil Mass the year AFTER I entered the Church (so, ARSH 2008), after that year’s group of catechumens and candidates had been happily received and baptized and confirmed, the priest began his homily with the following joke:

“I want to offer a special greeting to our catechumens and candidates, now full members of the Body of Christ, soon to receive their first Holy Communions, because I know that we will probably never see most of you at Mass ever again.”

The nave, full to the rafters, erupted into uproarious laughter.  I sat there with my mouth hanging open.  I found a Traditional Mass a few weeks later and never, ever looked back.

J.) Once He has you, He will put you through the sweet, sweet meat grinder of love.  Don’t think that entering the Church is going to make you rich or perpetually deliriously happy or anything like that.  If what you need to get to heaven is suffering, then that is what is going to happen.  Believe me.  But understand that His yoke is indeed light and sweet IF and ONLY IF you surrender to it and trust Him.  He will not give you more than you can carry.  And remember, He suffered in every way that a human being can suffer, so no matter what happens to you, if you pray and meditate on His Passion, you will find your own sufferings right there with Him, and then you will realize that you are not alone because He is right there with you, and that your sufferings are how He is drawing you closer to Him, because He really, really loves you.  And that certainly takes the edge off, to put it mildly.

Starting Wednesday Off Right – Transfiguration Edition

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

The Transfiguration, Fra Angelico, ARSH 1442, Convent of San Marco Cell 6, Florence

The Transfiguration, Fra Angelico, ARSH 1442, Convent of San Marco Cell 6, Florence

From Dom Gueranger:

“The King of Jews and Gentiles revealed Himself upon the mountain, where His calm splendour eclipsed for evermore the lightnings of Sinai; the covenant of the eternal alliance was declared, not by the promulgation of a law of servitude engraven upon stone, but by the manifestation of the Lawgiver Himself, coming as Bridegroom to reign in grace and beauty over hearts.”

Beanie-Weenie and Keystone Light

1.  Someone suggested that I make an “Ann’s Recipe Box” page.  I agree.  I will put this on my to-do list.  But the thickest chapter will probably be the mixed drinks chapter.  Ah well.  All the cool kids drink in moderation, and like good food.  Including Our Blessed Lord and Savior.  Wedding at Cana (Whoa!  Y’all were totally sandbagging on the good stuff!  Right ON!), and of course, the post-resurrection breakfast fry-up (Jesus saith to them: Come, and dine. John 21:12)  Always keep some good wine around, and also something to eat.  If Our Lord returns in glory any time soon, after all of the smiting He is going to have to do, I dare say He is going to be hungry, if scriptural precedent is any indicator.  Assuming that we ourselves are not in the smite-age, we don’t want to be serving Him Beanie-Weenie and Keystone Light.

2.  There is a movie out now, another installment in the Planet of the Apes chain, “Dances With Monkeys”, in which the computer animation of the apes is simply stunning.  It occurred to me that very shortly, human actors will no longer be needed – maybe just a handful of people who provide templates for close-up, highly emotional facial expressions.  But be warned.  Where this will lead is to the production of extremely horrific images and scenes – rapes, murders, etc., which will all be branded as “okay since no actual people were involved”.  This is already happening with video games.  It will move into cinema and TV next.  In a culture that already denies objective reality, this tool will utterly deaden people’s consciences.  Be forewarned.  Stay in the real world.  And do everything you can to keep your children and grandchildren in the real world.

3.   Many thanks for all of the feedback on the repost of the Bernardin-Alinsky-Obama Nexus piece, including from Miss Judi McLeod herself.  Also, I received a lovely email from a very important lady.  If you read up on Bernardin and his history, you will read about the eleven year old girl that he raped (with Bishop John J. Russell as the “main celebrant”) at the satanic “black mass” back in ARSH 1957.  That little girl is referred to as “Agnes”.  Well, “Agnes” emailed me and corrected me on a mis-statement that I made.  Bishop John J. Russell agreed on his deathbed to testify in Agnes’ suit against Bernardin, which never came to fruition due to Russell’s death.  I had confused Agnes’ case with the case of the male seminarian that Bernardin raped, Steven Cook.  Cook simply dropped his case without recanting or denying the original charges he had made against Bernardin.  You do the math on that one.  It probably involves six if not seven figures.  “Agnes” never left the Church.  She never confused Our Blessed Lord with the Judases and demons.  I would strongly urge one and all to think long and hard on this, because conflating Our Lord with the cancer that is ravaging His Bride is a very common problem today.  If “Agnes”, after being raped by her bishop and her priest in a satanic ceremony, and then forced to consume a nauseatingly defiled Host immediately after, can make this distinction, then none of us have any excuse.

4.  This was the follow-up to the original posting of the Bernardin piece back in July of ARSH 2012:

“Well, this pretty much sums it up.”

Argue with this all you Catholic clergy and laity who question my methods:

I have been tearing myself up about converting to the Catholic faith out of a shallow and worldly evangelicalism. After reading your essays on Bernardin and Alinsky, I am convinced that God is calling His people to renewal and repentance. I can’t see any other reason to convert. If you would have asked me a few years ago, I would have laughed at the very notion, but I believe we must cry out as one body for the Holy Spirit to renew us, to cause us to repent and to stand against Satan.

Much love to you,

Isn’t that interesting. This person is called to conversion because she was told the ugly truth about the situation in the Church. The Truth, no matter how unpleasant, is still the Truth, which is Jesus Christ, who is in Himself Objective Beauty. So, the reality of a Church infested with Marxist-homosexualists, by the grace of God, can actually be a means of saving souls.

It’s a paradox, gentlemen. Like Christ Crucified, the most horrible thing to ever, ever happen was made by God into the ultimate triumph. The Church today is the image of Christ Crucified. Proclaim His death, and share in His resurrection. Tell the world exactly what has happened over the last 50 years – forthrightly and holding nothing back, and then you just watch what happens.

5.  As the Francis pontificate grinds on, with seemingly each day bringing some double-face palm horror, it seems to me that Our Lord is using this as perhaps one last big sifting, or sorting, to see who REALLY gets it, who really loves Him personally and not as a mere philosophy or legal system, and is going to stick with Him.  Again, I think the cancer analogy is very helpful here.  If your wife was diagnosed with cancer, would you immediately move out?  File for divorce?  Because, hey, I didn’t marry someone with cancer, and therefore you are no longer the person I married, right?  Nope.  Stay in the boat.  Because schism only breeds more schism. And besides, that’s exactly what they want you to do.  They want you out, because if you’re out, well, for lack of a better phrase… YOU’RE OUT.   It is going to be an absolute mess, and Our Lord says this repeatedly in scripture (sorting of sheep from goats, the sorting of the catch in the nets, the weeds growing among the crop, people crying out, “Lord, Lord” and being escorted to hell because “I never knew you”.)  Also, we have Our Lady warning us of all of this repeatedly, Fatima and Quito being the two most prominent instances.  Bottom line, none of this should be a surprise, and thus we should all be confirmed and “dug in”, with the thought of abandoning Our Lord, or really withdrawing from Him and His Church in any way, to be not just unthinkable, but in diametric opposition to the very circumstances and responses we have been anticipating and preparing ourselves for.

6.  And yes, the “I never knew you” line is totally a reference to the Eucharist and its nuptial quality.  Of course it is.

7.  Hey you want to purge the Church of nearly all Marxist-sodomite priests and bishops in one easy step?  Make them turn around and celebrate the Mass facing God, not facing the “audience”.  I’m telling you, the Marxists and pervs would schism and abandon the Church so fast your heads would spin.  Now, this isn’t going to happen, BUT If you’re looking for a way to size up a priest or bishop quickly, simply ask him if he would say the Mass facing Our Lord in the Tabernacle.  The vast, vast majority would flatly refuse to do it.  Because for them, it is all about ME ME ME.

8.  I also received an email from a guy who was confirmed by Bernardin back in the day.  He said the only thing any of them remembered about the Mass was how super-creepy Bernardin was.  Of course, “super-creepy” is how children process and describe sodomites, both male and female.  But this brings up a point about the heresy of Donatism, which is alive and well today.  Donatism basically says that the state of the soul of the priest affects the validity of the sacraments he performs.  WRONG.  100% wrong.  First, we’re ALL sinners, so if the validity of a sacrament was tied to the soul of the priest, there would be no valid sacraments performed ever, anywhere.  If you want to talk about God’s infinite mercy, here it is.  Bernardin’s Masses, so long as they were said properly, were valid.  As was the confirmation of the fellow who emailed me.  There are people who were married by sodomite priests who raped teenaged boys, and these couples, when they found out about the priests, doubted that their marriages were valid.  YES, those marriages are absolutely valid.  How in the world would it make sense for Our Lord to hold lay people responsible so as to WITHDRAW HIMSELF from those truly seeking Him because of the sins of the priest, which were unknowable at the time to the people?  What about priests who keep concubines?  Those priests are in mortal sin more often than not, while saying Mass.  The effects on the souls of the priests offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass while in mortal sin are horrific and real – as they are for ANYONE who receives the Eucharist whilst in mortal sin.  This is why St. Paul warns so strongly against receiving the Eucharist unworthily in 1 Corinthians 11 – because as Voltaire told his student, the quickest way to extinguish faith and deaden the conscience is to receive Our Lord in mortal sin.  But no matter how unworthy the priest may be, those consequences are justly limited to him, NOT unjustly applied to the recipients of the sacraments he confects.  God is not an irrational, arbitrary tyrant.  He is perfectly just, and perfectly rational, and He loves us and will allow a satan-worshiping sodomite like Bernardin to call Him down onto the altar in his hands – so He can be with us.  Get your mind around that and you have officially pondered the first drop in the ocean of His Mercy and Love for us.

9.  This paraphrased from a clever reader:

In Roman times, the Christian martyrs were resisting the State and saying, “I don’t care what happens to me.”

The modern “Christian” acquiesces to the State and says, “I don’t care what happens to me.”